The Trauma Research Institute has been the site for research training of dozens of trauma-informed therapists and researchers, who now teach, do research, and practice all over the country. Below is a list of the abstracts from the dissertations of the TRI research associates over the years. Over time, I would like to add a link for each associate to know what they are doing and how others can get in touch. Please send me links to your websites or descriptions of your current and past positions. I’ll update every few months with the new links.

Marie Ardill (2017)
Contributing factors to predicting the presence of nightmares in children: Trauma, anxiety, dissociation and emotion-regulation

Garrett Work (2017)
Promotion of evidence-based treatment: a study of the therapist selection process

Elizabeth Straus (2017)
Political Scandal: The effects of government betrayal of American citizens

Kristin Dahlin (2017)
The credibility of the trauma witness: The role of dissociation, account coherence, and affect expression

Heather Leash (2017)
The effects of culture and trauma on Native American adults’ MMPI-2 profiles

Ashley Houston (2016)
The Relationship Between Self-Labeling Child Abuse, Disclosure, Social Support, and Posttraumatic Symptoms in an Inpatient Sample

Meline Arzoumanian (2015)
Characteristics of Malingered PTSD with and without Memory Recovery

Kathryn Holloway (2015)
Development and validation of a comprehensive assessment of combat experiences to facilitate research on veterans’ post-combat psychological health

Chloe Lucas (2015)
Emotional Congruence In Therapeutic Engagement: A Multi-Method Assessment Of Disrupted Affect In Clinical Psychology Interns

Jessica Stevens (2015)
The role of suggestibility, anxiety and dissociation in children’s fantasy/reality judgements

Jan Estrellado (2015)
Clinicians’ attributions of symptoms to trauma and ethnic minority status based on client presentation

Emily Hennrich (2015)
Neuropsychological impairment in dissociative and non-dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Grace Verbeck (2014)
Examining the evidence for a dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder

Lisa Toburen (2014)
The relation of therapist attachment, intention and dissociation to therapist verbal response

Jillian DeLorme (2014)
The investigation of repeated trauma exposure and psychological adjustment in firefighters

Jennie Holden (2013)
Development and psychometric properties of the Dissociative Continuum Scale – II (DCS-II)

Nicole Kleumper (2013)
Dissociation, fantasy proneness, and suggestibility in participants with varying levels of trauma exposure

Diana Bull (2012)
PTSD and depression: Relationship to traumatic stress

Sarah MacArthur (2011)
Heart Rate Variability in Adolescents in Relationship to Trauma, Dissociation, and Stress

Sage Schuitevoerder (2011)
Psychometric properties of a novel PTSD screen in older combat veterans with varying levels of cognitive impairment

Marci Allen (2010)
Boundaries in psychotherapy: Therapist negotiation styles

Jessica MacKinnon (2010)
Characteristics of those who report child abuse in non-mandated populations

Leah Livesey (2010)
Child molestation as need fulfillment: The effect of child admiration, controllability, and intimacy-seeking behavior on offenders’ perceptions of children

Kristina Malek (2010)
False memory development: An in-depth look at false memory prevalence, circumstances, and associated risk factors

Fabiola Figueroa (2010)
Avoidance strategies in school-age children who have witnessed domestic violence and their pattern of narrative report over time: Implications for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder

Kevin Fawcett (2009)
Compassion fatigue and psychotherapy: An analogue assessment of the silencing response

Maria Castelli (2009)
Culture and discipline: Perceptions of appropriate use of corporal punishment

Kristina Dulcey-Wang (2009)
Attachment classification and dissociation in siblings of pediatric cancer patients

Noufar Chini (2009)
Posttraumatic stress disorder in Iranian immigrants: Relationship to cognitive functioning

Kelly Casey (2007)
The Abel Assessment for Sexual Interests: Impact of antisocial personality features and pedophilic tendencies on test performance

Sven Schild (2007)
Trauma symptoms in deaf adults

Susan Haydar (2006)
Dual relationships and the psychologist’s inner circle: Ethical decision making concerning multiple relationships with family and friends

Amber Ruddock (2006)
The relationship of interviewer rapport behaviors to the amount and type of disclosure from children during child abuse investigations

Juan Hill (2005)
Trauma, hopelessness and the neuropsychological aspects of violence

Leah Robbins (2005)
Disorganized attachment in a military sample: Contributions from maternal trauma history, expressed sadness and narrative errors

Katie Connell (2005)
Detecting simulated versus genuine posttraumatic stress disorder

Parysa Parvisian (2004)
The role of social support in resilience among child abuse survivors

Carlos Cuevas (2004)
Obstacles to empathy in sex offenders: Recognition and interpretation of children’s emotional cues

Kevin Thomas (2003)
Prediction of child punishment: Examining the roles of dissociation, social desirability, self -consciousness, anger, violence history, and self -awareness

Miryam Longest (2003)
Non-reactive, homeostatic, and positive resiliency: Relationships and predictors

Elizabeth Allen (2003)
Therapist responses to traumatized female patients’ anger and sadness: A countertransference study

Ian Schere (2001)
Keeping secrets: The role of ethnicity of child, ethnicity of interviewer, ethnicity of confederate, and level of ethnic identity on disclosure

Erin McDonald (2001)
All things not being equal: Decision making in custody evaluations involving allegations of physical abuse

Oxana Palesh (2001)
Dissociation and delayed recall of traumatic memories in a Russian undergraduate population

Mary Jo Collopy (2000)
The fantasy -reality distinction in children: Implications for eyewitness testimony

Karen Hyland (2000)
Pathways to false memory production: The role of context, individual differences, and citations of parent authority

Joseph McEllistrem (1999)
Accuracy and completeness of adult recall for invasive medical procedures experienced during the treatment of childhood leukemia

Scott Boliver (1999)
The effects of attorney race and use of racially relevant arguments on juror decision making

Amy Walter (1999)
True and false claims of physical abuse: Relating parental coaching styles to child credibility

Christopher Miller (1999)
The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology in parents of leukemia survivors and adult attachment classifications

Christy Stammen (1999)
Prediction of child punishment: Exploring anger level, self-concept, social desirability, and provocative child behavior

Kori Eldean (1998)
Attribution style, anger level and childhood punishment history as predictors of the use of punishment against children

Stacey Hoyt (1998)
The perception of danger cues in traumatized and nontraumatized populations

Cathy Reto (1997)
Childhood maltreatment, dissociation, and bulimic symptomatology

Kim Aransky (1996)
Dissociation, anger level, and childhood punishment history as predictors of use of punishment against children

Glorious Dunkerly (1996)
Race of interviewer, level of risk for child abuse, and child racial identity as predictors of secret-keeping behaviors and disclosure in Black and White children

Kathleen Strauss (1996)
Differential diagnosis of battered women through psychological testing: Personality disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder?

Lisa Mullenix (1995)
Potential mediators of self-esteem in foster children

Judith Shields (1994)
An empirical investigation of accuracy enhancing techniques for children’s eyewitness reports

Renee Baskin-Creel (1994)
Countertransference and individual psychotherapy with battered women

Carlos Nelson (1994)
A self-schema analysis of gay male identity

Erik Fox (1994)
Violent and non-violent adolescent sex offenders: Neuropsychological and cognitive distinctions

Colleen Masters (1994)
Syndromes associated with a history of childhood sexual abuse

Ann Wycoff (1993)
Sexually abused and nonabused borderlines: Differentiating groups through psychological testing

Emily Koel (1992)
Sexually abused boys: sexual confusion and aggression

Margaret Geillinger-Tess (1992)
Effects of cotherapist gender on therapy groups with adult female molest victims

Cathy Duvenage (1992)
Dissociation, child abuse history, and amnesiac barrier strength in a non-clinical population

Nancy Hollingsworth (1991)
Child abuse as a continuum or class variable in the prediction of self-competency and locus-of-control

Cynthia Post (1990)
Incest and depression: An attributional analysis

Kelley O’Neel (1989)
True and false allegations of physical abuse: The role of the mother in constructing a believable story

Delores Jacobs (1989)
A schematic analysis of child physical abuse

Diedre Price (1989)
Model of the sense of self in normal weight bulimic females

Kate Sarchet (1989)
Sociocultural pressures toward thinness: The effects of advertisements on bulimic and nonbulimic women

Bonita Hammell (1987)
Subsystem relationships in incestuous step families and biological families

James Wilkes (1987)
Maternal response to infant cries: An analogue study of bidirectional influences in child abuse

List of Student Abstracts

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